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Brand Technology Equipment Company LLC

Brand Technology Equipment Company is a comprehensive equipment solutions company specializing in the purchase, sale, and export logistics of pre-owned, affordable construction equipment. We assist contractors and dealers throughout the U.S. and Canada with their equipment needs, while also serving our international clientele across Latin America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Our inventory includes a wide range of heavy See more...machinery from leading brands such as Caterpillar, Volvo, Komatsu, Hitachi, and John Deere. Based in Annapolis, Maryland, we continue to grow our global presence through local personnel in key regions around the world. See more... As reflected in our corporate vision, Brand Technology Equipment Company is dedicated to developing the world, which starts with developing people. We recognize that successful businesses are built on strong relationships fostered over time, and that is our focus every day. This principle forms the core of our mission: "Building meaningful domestic and international relationships through the purchase and sale of quality used heavy equipment." We are committed to achieving our corporate goals with honesty, integrity, and adherence to the highest professional and ethical standards, ensuring our success is as rewarding as the path we take to get there.

Address: 1001 15th Ave
Torrington, WY 82240
United States
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Annapolis, Maryland, United States

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